It is a MIRACLE TOWEL that provides protection against skin diseases that can be transmitted while treating skin diseases (fungus, scabies, eczema) in regular use.
It is on sale in 2 ways. Extra large 30×45 cm is packaged as 4 pieces in 1 box and 15 pieces in 1 box.
The protection period of each towel is about 2 weeks and the treatment support effect is 1 week.
With its special formula that selects only harmful bacteria, it protects the skin flora and the oil layer, while ending the bad body odor within 1 week to 15 days after completely wiping the whole body once.
It improves hair and skin quality, balances and reduces excessive hair loss with its Cleapet special formulation.

Provides protection against lice and fleas in weekly use.
For the purpose of body hygiene of our pet friend, the body of our evil friend is cleaned / wiped by feeding the solution in the towel to the whole body once in 15 days.
For therapeutic support purposes, it should be applied to the body once a week by wiping.
It is a water-based vegan product suitable for use in eyes, ears, teeth, paws, nose, rectal and genital areas, and is suitable for use in puppies, pregnant and adults.
(It should not be used on our dark colored friends under sunlight, as it provides shine and color lightening in the feather color)
