Helps prevent problems caused by nutritional deficiencies.
Helps strengthen the immune system of adult dogs.
Thanks to the vitamins and flaxseed it contains, it contributes to the continuity of skin and coat health.
Effective in regulating carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism.
Helps prevent free radical formation in dogs thanks to antioxidant vitamins.
Has an anti-aging effect by triggering cell regeneration
Vitamins in it: Flaxseed-B1 (TIAMINE)- B2 (RIBOFlavin)- B3 (NIASIN)- B4 (CHOLINE)- B5 (PNT ACID)- B6 (PRIDOXIN)- B7 (BIOTIN)- B8 (INOSITOL)- B9 (FOLIC ACID)- B12 (KOBALAMIN)- VIT C- VIT D3-VIT E-VIT